Pink Diva Jewelry

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's the meaning of a gift?

Merriam Webster says...
-something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation
gift n. the voluntary transfer of property (including money) to another person completely free of payment or strings while both the giver and the recipient are still alive. Large gifts are subject to the federal gift tax, and in some states, to a state gift tax. yada yada yada......

But truly...
It's from the heart
What does that mean?

-Always think about the person, likes, hobbies, dreams, conversations, favorites
-Never give a gift you wouldn't keep for yourself
-Give without any expectations
-Gifts are for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, etc., but what about paying it forward with a cup of coffee, toll, movie ticket or donating to the or

Being that I am a lover of everything and I do mean everything, from coffee, (Starbucks, bold) sunshine, to sand on the beach, to great chocolate, to handbags, makeup, Jimmy Choo anything, real estate and everything in between. I guess I just love nature and all the talented people who bring such great products, music, clothing, art, etc. to our lives. My passion, though, is unique, it must be unique to my eye and make my heart skip a beat! Ah yes, love that feeling!

So what is it today? Well although mainstream, I love this product because it brings two of my loves together, New York and Perfume.

Check out Bond 9 sold online or at Saks Fifth Avenue. Wonderful scents for men and women, fabulous bottles, oh which do you choose? First?

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